Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Boys Town of Italy

When you think of Italy you think of the ancient city and beautiful scenery. You also think of tourism and site seeing. On the other hand there is a need to help the underprivileged and homeless as much as anywhere else. One of the greatest programs they have here in Italy is for homeless children. They have places called Boys Town and Girls Town. These towns consist of homeless children who have been taken in and govern and live in a town all on their own. I have such high expectations for my trip to see this small community. I think it is really wonderful to get kids off the street and give them the opportunity to change their life for the better. They learn responsibility, work ethic, and so many other important life skills. I expect to see many small stores operated by young men, just like any other town only with younger people. I am excited to see how the city thrives with young men and no real adults. I am very interested in seeing how the laws of the city work with such a young population.

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