Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Oldest Recipe Around

Most of the best dishes around are the best because they have been passed down in their family for centuries. After doing some research I have found how pasta was first used and a popular recipe used with this pasta. It first starts with a type of boiled dough called itrium, there are different forms of this dough and the one used in this recipe is called laganum. In Latin this word refers to thin sheets of dough. The first time I read this i realized that's just what lasagna is like and this must be where the word comes from. This dough dates all the way back to the first century B.C. and it was fried and used as an everyday food. The recipe comes from the second century Athenaus of Naucratis who provides this recipe from Chrysippus of Tyana of the first century. The recipe includes very fine sheets of a dough made of wheat flour and the juice of crushed lettuce, then flavored with spices and deep-fried in oil. Later in an early fifth century cookbook there is a dish called lagana which consisted of layers of rolled out dough stuffed with meat and baked in the over which deeply resembles modern day lasagna.

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